Wednesday 15 May 2019

LIFE @ St. Aloysius and PG Biochemistry

Hello readers.. my name is Shithil Suvarna, well this isn’t the right place to talk about myself but rather the right place to talk about the institution which played a key role in making me who I am.
To begin with I would like to say that this is my 7th and the last year in Aloysius. The journey was wonderful and Aloysius was always good to its students. Well, there has been a humongous positive difference in the person I was when I first joined the college and the person who I am right now, my personality has developed a lot and towards the end of my PUC was also the end of a very “shy, hesitant me”.
 The college had encouraged a lot for extracurricular activities, and I was into everything that caught my attention, from NCC to drama, sports etc. I was also a part of lot of cultural events, well not just taking part in them was an option but the college also provided opportunity to even conduct them, and it is at this point that I developed a bit of management and leadership skills.
Over here ‘different’ isn’t criticised but rather viewed as something ‘unique’, and to me that mindset of people around helped to grow to the person who I am currently.
Life isn’t always sugary all the time, and when I say ‘life in Aloysius’ yes, it too wasn’t sugary all the time, as there were times when I found myself in the corner, when my grades went below the average, when I lost some good friends, those were some of the days where I had lost hope and at times felt completely miserable. But during the course of time I realized that its all in a person’s mind and if put effort then the ‘way of thinking’ or the ‘mindset’ can be changed, and all it requires is the strength to truly accept the person you are and evaluate yourself unbiasedly and once this step is achieved, it is time to tell yourself that you are not unworthy, you are not useless, you are not what they think you are but much more greater than that, you are the best and you are & can be everything you wish to be. I was a slow learner and I learnt them late but I think I learnt them well.
At this point came an end to my B.Sc. life and I was asked to choose a good college to pursue my master’s studies and to be honest I had no reason not to choose Aloysius itself for my MSc course. This college gave me everything that I could ask for and I hoped that the PG course would also be good. So, was it good for me? Did it go the way I hoped it to go? YES, it did. The department of PG biochemistry is blessed with really good teachers who really know how to bring out the best out of a student. Excellent study environment and at the same time there was also a scent of joy and happiness, there was a family like feeling.
Overall, I had got outstanding friends and made really good memories which I would cherish for life, and to explain things in a nut shell I can say that I have obtained the 3 important E’s of my life.
The 1st ‘E’ stands for Education; which has made me capable to stand on my own feet
The 2nd ‘E’ stand for Exposure; with the right exposure of the things provided by the college of life beyond the college walls or outside our comfort zones, of life in the village and hardships of people, I stand enlightened with this exposure to life.
The 3rd and the last ‘E’ stands for Experience; combining them all I have gathered an enormous amount of experience which has made me worthy enough to share it to people in the form of knowledge.
Shithil Suvarna

Shithil Suvarna has just completed his MSc. and awaiting his final results. He has been campus recruited by E & Y as Research Analyst in the EMS (Engagement Management Services) stream.