Monday 27 August 2018

Independence Day Celebration and Industrial Visit to KMF. BIONEX, 16 August 2018

Kruthi P. K. and Anthony Derrick

Independence day celebration and industrial visit was conducted as Bionex association
activity on 16th august 2018, Thursday.

Independence day was celebrated at 12.15 in the L201, LCRI block, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous). All the students and lecturers took part in the celebration.
The organization responsibility was taken up by Krithi P. K., Anju Venugopal and Anushree Anil. Krithi had welcomed the gathering and spoke about Independence day. The program was started with patriotic song which was sung by Ann and group. Then a short video was played about how we got the independence. And the program was ended by singing the National Anthem. 

At 14.00, the students and lecturers left the college for KMF (Karnataka Milk Federation) by college bus. Mr. Mahesh, technical officer in KMF took us inside and showed instruments which are used to process the milk into different products like curd, lassi, butter and different types of sweets. He gave a brief explanation about how the industry works on processing the milk into different products. At the end they treated us to lassi produced at the unit.

Monday 13 August 2018

Interpretation of Cytogenetic Changes in Chromosomal Disorder, by Meenakshi . BIONEX, 08. AUGUST 2018

Vindhya V. Rao and Anthony Derrick

The talk was conducted to educate students on the importance of karyotyping and chromosomal disorder.

The guest lecture was held on 08 August 2018 at 15.30 in the Robert Sequeira Hall, LCRI block, St Aloysius College (Autonomous) and was conducted by Bionex association. Some 50 members had gathered including lecturers.

The organization responsibility was taken up by Vindhya Rao and coordinated by Vaishnavi Kothamsu and Rakshita M. Vindhya welcomed the gathering and the chief guest after which a prayer song was sung by Ann and her group. Rakshita introduced the speaker followed by the guest talk which was given by Ms. Meenakshi Arumugam.

The talk had introduction on chromosomes and emphasized on differentiation of chromosomal structures. The speaker shared her knowledge on karyotyping gave examples from experience for chromosomal disorders which can be diagnosed by karyotyping. Different procedures for karyotyping were also covered.

At the end of the talk, many questions were asked by students and lecturers on the topic following which vote of thanks was proposed by Vaishnavi.

Monday 6 August 2018

Inauguration. BIONEX, 01. AUGUST 2018

Sanobar Ashoora and Anthony Derrick

The Inauguration of BIONEX: Biochemistry Association for the academic year 2018-19 was held on Wednesday, 01 August 2018 at 3:00 pm in the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Biochemistry, LCRI Block. The Chief Guest for the occasion was. Rev. Dr Leo D’Souza, Former Principal of St. Aloysius College.
Order of the programme
1. Introduction and prayer
2. Welcome address and sharing the objective of the association
3. Introduction and the Guest talk
4. Annual report of the BIONEX
5. Student activity – Quiz
6. Planning of the events
7. Vote of thanks

The session started with an opening prayer song by Ms Vindhya of 2nd MSc. Biochemistry followed by the welcome address by Dr Yogish Somayaji, President of Bionex Association, who spoke about the objective and motto of the Association . He highlighted on implementing the knowledge gained during the tenure in St. Aloysius College for PG Studies in social awareness through the activities of the association and utilizing it in developing skills.

Dr. Lyned Lasrado introduced the chief guest to the gathering and the chief guest was honoured with the floral bouquet by Ms Chaithra of 1st Msc Biochemistry - Student Secretary of Bionex Association. The Chief Guest Rev. Dr Leo D’Souza gave an enlightening speech on Integrated Education and how practical knowledge is important to every student. He stressed on building potential and morale among the students in the college. He also spoke about the responsibility of the youth towards the society, as every common man contributes a portion of his income in educating every one of us, thereby appreciating the BIONEX Association in including Social Outreach programme as a part of student activities. Rev. Dr Leo D’Souza appreciated the Dept. of Biochemistry for coming up with such resourceful activity, helping the students in communication, aptitude for scientific research and skill development. The Guest talk was followed by formal inauguration of the Bionex association for the academic year 2018-19 by Rev. Dr Leo D’Souza, Dr Lyned and Dr Yogish, assisted by Nikita, Nisha and Shithil.

The annual report of the association activities conducted for the academic year 2017-18 was presented by Ms. Shreya and team to the audience with the help of PowerPoint presentation. This was followed by a Quiz organized by Ms. Stuthi and team, that marked the first student activity of Bionex Association .The quiz was creative and interesting, helping the students to think out of the box. Soon after the quiz the secretaries arranged for a planning session for the forth coming activities of the association. The event concluded in vote of thanks by Ms. Soumya.