Monday 30 July 2018

Freshers' Day. BIONEX, 26. JULY 2018

Anthony Derrick and Yogish Somayaji

Amidst the rainy days of July and the warm of the fresh arrival of the freshers into the department of biochemistry of St Aloysius College the BIONEX association began its first event of the academic year 2018 -2019. The event of the day was the “Freshers Day”. It was organised on 26/07/2018 at 3:30 pm. The entire department was consisting of 51 members– 5 teaching staff, 2 lab assistants, 29 first year students, 15 second year students.

The order of the programme
1.     Welcoming
2.     Ice breakers
3.     An innovative action song – cha cha cha slide
4.     Inspiring message from the HOD – Dr. Lyned Lasrado
5.     Fresher of the year competition
6.     Distribution of the snacks
7.     Treasure hunt
8.     Vote of thanks
9.     Baila

The festive mood, decorated class room with colours around the event began by welcoming the staff and a creative entry of the first year students by presenting a smiley badge and a ribbon. The welcome speech was made by Mr Shithil a second year student. As an introductory activity the ice breakers (I went to the market) were conducted by tying ribbons and shaking hands as an expression of friendship and to become part of  the Aloysian family . An action song was performed by the second year students for cha cha cha slide. It was very much appreciated and entertaining. The HOD Dr. Lyned Lasrado gave a beautiful message to the students by encouraging the students to learn to ask question and further more to question the existing answers, and to be innovative learners. Continuing the tradition of the department we had a competition for the fresher of the year in which Rakshith M. had won the title and it was awarded by Dr. Sohail K. Pinto. The whole process was fun filled and capturing. After a passionate entertainment all snacks and chilled juice was served to all, which was refreshing. The awaited action packed surprise treasure hunt was conducted creatively by second years. The first years had a good time and crossed over every corner of the department in search of the treasure. The price was awarded to the winners and the whole event came to a conclusion with a baila dance by all the students. All the second year students put their hands together to rearranging the place. The programme came to an end at 6:00 pm.

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